Thu 18 Mar 2021 14:27

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is recognised that it has been difficult for many clubs to either complete their CAPS accreditation or work through their four year re-accreditation. This is due to a number of reasons, most notably around the limited availability of courses as well as in some cases training activity not being possible meaning many of the key CAPS requirements could not be demonstrated.

As we now have knowledge of the Roadmap to return to court, we want to support clubs to ensure they are able to update their accreditation in a way that protects the integrity of the CAPS accreditation but is also considerate of the challenges clubs may face to work through the accreditation whilst restrictions are still in place.

We will be taking the following approaches:

Clubs who were accredited and were due to reaccredit during the COVID-19 pandemic (period from September 2019 – September 2021)

There are still some elements that could prove difficult to complete in full and for many, club activity will still look a little different and potentially be limited. We are also keen to limit unnecessary contact during club activity. We will therefore extend these CAPS accreditations by 1 year to 31 March 2022 providing a CAPS health check is submitted. All clubs in this situation will be contacted and provided with a CAPS health check.

Clubs who have registered for the CAPS scheme but are yet to be assessed

We will be running a shortened CAPS assessment panel in both March and July 2021. Clubs are very welcome to submit their evidence for assessment to be accredited.

We will temporarily be closing registrations for new clubs to the scheme on 31 March 2021.

Clubs who are accredited and will need to re-accredit beyond September 2021

Given the global pandemic and the changing ways in which clubs are operating and the immediate priority clubs have around returning to activity, we do not want CAPS submission to take away precious time to do this which is reflected in the temporary suspension of assessments. During this time, we will continue to work with clubs through our team of local staff, the Care Package and series of forums available.

Thank you to every club volunteer who continues to work tirelessly to ensure netball activity can continue with brilliant standards upheld so that netball is a sport we can all be proud to be part of.

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